The Student and Alumni Affairs (HEPA) division in FKAAB provides comprehensive support and services to students for their academic and co-curricular development, such as skills enhancement programs, graduate internships, mobility programs, career guidance, welfare and financial aid. This is to ensure that the faculty is able to produce graduates with balanced academic achievement and personal growth. In addition, HEPA also encourages alumni to maintain a strong relation with the faculty and share their expertise and experience with current students to help them prepare for their future careers. Workshops and networking events are hosted by the faculty through which our alumni participates and serves as industry experts, speak on behalf of their organisations and educate students about their field of work and industry trends.
The faculty regularly organises programs of great benefit for students, such as seminars, courses, workshops, career fairs and industrial talks. Students not only participate in these programs, but also are given the opportunity to organise these programs themselves, under the supervision of HEPA. This acts as an avenue for students to apply their knowledge and demonstrate practical and generic skills.
Student Development

Graduate Employability

Mobility Programs

Community Engagement


Our Student Support System
The faculty not only places its students' academic performance at great importance and as its top priority, but also their personal advancement and well-being. Students are placed in capable hands of skilled and experienced personnel, and are guided throughout their academic endeavour in the university.
Academic Advisory
The Academic Advisory System or Sistem Penasihatan Akademik (PA) is implemented by FKAAB to ensure the students’ academic performance and their welfare are monitored. The system appoints academic staff as academic advisors, with 15–30 students assigned to each academic advisor. Academic advisors are responsible in advising and counseling students in academic matters during their pursuit of education in the university. By having an Online Advisory System, which is known as PA Online, the academic advisory system has been made simpler. With the PA Online system, the academic advisor is able monitor the students’ performance and establish interaction with the students.

FKAAB focuses on the performance of its students, particularly in academics. Activities have been planned in order to help students improve their academic performance and skills. For instance, underachieving students (i.e. those who are under probation, having CPA < 2.0) will be sent to special programs that motivate and assist them to achieve better academic performance. Students benefit from the good practices in learning and effective studying, so that students will be able to cope with their studies and rise above overwhelming pressures of being a student. Qualified counsellors also provide guidance and try to assist students in solving their problems. The university’s Counselling Department (under the Student Development Center) plays its role in assisting the development of cognitive and emotional attributes among students. The department, with the help of the faculty has dealt with many cases, such as emotional, mental, personal, family and financial problems.
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The university's Student Affairs (HEP) Office, through its Student Welfare & Financing Unit ensures that students are provided with all of the basic necessities and receive assistance whenever required. Elsewhere, the Student Housing & Transportation Center is responsible for providing accommodation on and off campus, and managing bus shuttle service for students. Student Residential Colleges have been set up across the campus and off-campus, providing decent living spaces at the lowest of costs for students. Students also have access to health services provided for free at the University Health Center, and are eligible for treatment at Government Hospitals and Clinics. All students are insured at a very low annual premium. The student insurance provides protection 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. The university also provides food for under-privileged students through its Sabil Al-Hikmah food for students program. FKAAB also has dedicated a Food For Charity Corner and a Food Bank for students.
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The faculty regularly organises career fairs by inviting companies to hold job interviews for Final Year students. In addition, the faculty provides seminars and workshops for students to expose them to employer expectations, and to train them in resume writing and prepare them for job interviews. Apart from this, the university's Career Department (under the Student Development Center) is a resource center where students gain career-related information. The department also provides training to students as they prepare for the working world. The department organises training programs related to the development of students' careers and soft skills. The programs are focused on enhancing graduate employability through activities such as personal grooming, effective communication, resume preparation, interview coaching, image consulting and other soft skills. The department also runs career relations and cooperation with the Ministry of Education, industry, and other organisations such as the 1Malaysia Training Scheme (SL1M) and TalentCorp. The department goes the extra mile by bringing students to job fairs across the nation.

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The faculty endorses two student bodies that were established to plan and organise activities for students. These societies provide a great opportunity for students to exhibit their generic skills, which the faculty considers as one way to produce all-rounded individuals.
Civil Engineering Club (KKA)
The Civil Engineering Club or commonly known as Kelab Kejuruteraan Awam (KKA) is the main student body that represents all students at the faculty. The primary purpose of setting up this association is to encourage students' involvement in managing and participating in student development activities. PPA also acts as the medium for discussions between students and the faculty management team. Currently, the association is headed and managed by senior students, under the guidance of the faculty's Student and Alumni Affairs (HEPA) unit. This association is officially registered with the university and all FKAAB students become members once they enroll in FKAAB.